Product - V-coupon


V-coupon is your modern gift voucher. It is an electronic coupon that is easy to make and use. You have to simply enter details of the deal, which requires slightly more steps than sending a regular email. Technical issues, such as encryption and redemption are well-taken care of by VIVO Contact.


Giving out a V-coupon requires just a few extra steps. It can be delivered like an attachment of an email to your regular customers. What's more is that you can make it exclusive to selected customers, who are encouraged to subscribe by your interesting deals.

Integrate with Passbook

Because V-coupon is electronic, it is just natural for it to support Passbook integration. With an iOS devices such as iPhone, your customers can save the V-coupon and subscribe to receive your future sale alerts via this pre-installed app. It's also possible for you to design the way your company's page is presented in Passbook, with our template and customization tool.


The V-coupon is a medium; what matters is its data within. Unique data stored in a V-coupon allow it to be tracked. It is voided immediately and infinitely after use. At the same time, record and statistics of the transaction are collected to form a meaningful analytics report in the cloud. It is paperless, but it is more than a sheet of paper, a note and a discount.